torsdag 21. august 2008

Yesterday I found a great apartment, and I am moving in on saturday so everything will be in place before I go back to Norway for some more holiday, untill school starts in end of september. The apartment is wonderful, and at first I`ll be sharing with a guy, and in october/november we might find another person til live with us. The best of all is the pink light in my room, and the fact that my dog will be able to stay in this house, so If I like it I can continue living there after christmas also.

For the moment everything in England is pretty "wrong" (thinking on everything from cardriving to wich way you swith the light on and off), but I am pretty sure I`ll be very happy here. The town is nice, and it is very cosy with all the small brickhouses.

I got reminded of the painting I promised to show when it was finished, and luckily I was able to get it done before I left.

4 kommentarer:

Anneli sa...

Så flott det maleriet ble <3Og så bra at du har funnet deg en leilighet! Håper du vil trives (:
God helg og klem til deg <3

Trine sa...

oj, for et lekkert maleri!!!

Aija sa...

Tine, Nice to hear that you have finally found the place to stay. Sounds like a very nice place.
That painting... so georgous... you are an artist! Love those full and rich colours. Suits very well in that room :)
We came back from the summer cottage, had some nice time with my parents and with my brothers family. They live in Belgium and are visiting here for a couple of weeks!

Linn sa...

Heia søta mi! Sååå nydelig det maleriet ble, morsomt å se med så sterke farver ifht det du laget sist når du bodde her. Du er så flink vennen! Og jeg savner deg noe forferdelig! har ikke orket å ringe i det siste, når jeg ikke kan si noe postivit holder jeg heller munn hihi! Håper du er kommet deg til A nå og bra du ikke trenger å dra tilbake for om en stund. Kos deg masse masse, du kan jo plinge på før du drar til det store utlandet igjen!