søndag 27. juli 2008

I guess

it is about time I start writing in english... After all, its only three (three!!!) weeks untill I am packing all my stuff (oh my!) together and move across the ocean. It is very exiting and a littlebit scary, but I will be fine. I am following my dreams and my heart so I guess it can`t get better.

Time flies, and it is almost six years since the last time I lived, though and spoke in english, so I will probably need some time to get used to the language again, so bare with me if there`s a lot of spellingmisstakes (and such).
Summer is showing at the best this week, and I am off to help my mother pick some strawberries. :)

5 kommentarer:

Anneli sa...

Hei Tine!
Så koselig kommentar du har lagt igjen i bloggen min (:
Jeg har også ferie for tiden, deilig!!
Syns ikke du har noen grunn til ikke å være fornøyd med kortene dine, de var kjempefine <3
Det blir spennede å følge med på bloggen din fremover, for å se hvordan du trives med å flytte til utlandet!
Lykke til! (:

Nikki Fairbairn sa...

Hi Tine, I love the hanglar girl image and I love the layout.

Aija sa...

Tine, nice that you write in English so I can unerstand better. I can read some Norwegian but Engilis better :)
Your new cards looks really fab!
Enjoy strawberries, I have eaten them a lot!

Linn sa...

Hi sweetie, so from now on we have to speak English LOL, just kidding! But it is good to get in the flow of speaking and writing English again, so a smart move darling!

miss you like crazy, and Bodø is empty without you.

Sending you a bunch of hugs from me and Mia!!

Linn sa...

Ps beautiful cards as always!