Time flies, and I leave for England in ten days. I am so exited and very stressed out. Have nowhere to live, and it`s very, very, very hard to find a suitable appartment, but I guess it will all fall in place in the end. Cross your fingers for me!
I never spend as much time on any card, as the ones who appears/ends up to be clean and simple. Dont`t know why, maybe it`s just so much harder to create something thats not filled with stuff. I don`t know.

2 kommentarer:
Åh for et skjønt kort du har laget snuppa! Så stilig fotohjørnene ble på dette kortet!
Du snuppa du har fått award hos meg, stikk innom å se :)
You will have exciting adventure ahead, I will keep my finger crossed for you :)
This card is really fab! It is very elegant and the colours are sooo beautiful.
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